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From 1 July 2021, the Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate will rise from 9.5% to 10% and the non-concessional cap will increase from $25,000 to $2...
Business and not-for-profits are required to reassess (once more) their eligibility for the JobKeeper payment from 4 January 2021.This final legis...
The legislation has passed through parliament to enable the Job Hiring credit program. In short, the program is designed to get people off employm...
The tax watchdog has helped shed some light into the ATO’s Covert Audits. Unlike your standard ATO tax audits where the tax office would issue y...
Fraser Scott are thrilled to partner with AuditCover and offer our clients coverage for the professional fees related to any government agency aud...
Did you know that there are Small Business Concessions available, which means you could potentially sell your business and not pay one red cent of...
Budgeting In Your Business There’s a lot about Budgeting that’s like taking a road trip. Budgeting provides a window into your business. It'...
Business Marketing There are thousands of books available on this subject but where to start? What's most relevant for my business and my budget...
Every thought about how small businesses are valued? Have you ever noticed how valuations of a business owned by a company listed on the stock ex...
Avoid Business Mistakes In past 35 years, I have seen some fairly spectacular business mistakes made with varying degrees of consequence. Anythi...
Strategic & Business Planning Have you ever been confused about the difference between a Strategic Plan and a Business Plan? How do t...
Breakeven Have you ever wondered why when you work for yourself, it's so hard to take long holidays? Reason is, there is a double whammy...
333 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000